Current Events & Evaluation Missions
18 November, 2015
During November of 2015, the FWEC teams, Mrs. Graciela Andrade (Ecuador), Mrs. Maria Hicks (Australia), Mrs. Tina Etherington (UK
/Italy),visited Siem Reap and the site of project again with Mr. Chantrea Chhuon (Director-Cambodia). During the meeting, we had a great time and discussion to find more efficiently for the project keep running smoothly undre the motto "Keep it Simple" (Paul had absent in the meeting while he came earlier and left before the group arrived" and we received a great results and feedback.
23 November, 2014
On 23rd November, 2014, some members of Foundation for Water & Education Cambodia met in Siem Reap. Present were Founder/Director Chantrea Chhuon Cambodia, Paul Grady USA, Maria Hicks Australia. We acknowledged that approximately 66.000 has been raised to date. See financial report.
22-23 November 2013
Mr Paul Grady (USA), Ms Maria Hicks (Australia) and Ms Tina Etherington (UK/Italy) visited Siem Reap in November/December to visit project recipients and to take stock of project activities. In addition, as part of her fundraising activities, Maria took part in the Siem Reap Half Marathon that took place on 1 December. The meeting took place on two afternoons..........
November, 2013
Ms. Tina Etherington
In midst November, 2013 Tina came to Siem Reap-Angkor as the third time to visit the families who have helped and to conduct an evaluation of FWEC. During her stay Tina took her time with Maria to visit the school and talked with teachers of SRET school about the program that FWEC's going to put.
Tina had a good chance to visit her beneficiaries who have helped and she also has got the permission from the family helping to fix their house. While traveling around Tina took the opportunity to donate clothing and school supplies to the children of the families in rural areas of Siem Reap. She also enjoyed the chance to be a volunteer and participate in teaching English to students in Cambodia local school that FWEC is involved with.
December, 2013
Ms. Maria Hicks
In late November, 2013 Tina came to Siem Reap-Angkor as the third time to run in the Angkor Wat half marathon and to conduct an evaluation of FWEC. During her stay Chantrea brought Maria to see the wells and meet the families that her donations had helped.
Maria had a good opportunity with her friends (the team of Marathon runners), to visit her beneficiaries who have helped and she also has got the permission from the family helping to fix their house. While traveling around Maria with her friends took the opportunity to donate clothing and school supplies to the children of the families in rural areas of Siem Reap. She also enjoyed the chance to be a volunteer and participate in teaching English to students in Cambodia local school that FWEC is involved with.
Video clip of Maria's Mission
February 2013
Ms. Tina Etherington
Evaluation Mission Volunteer Teaching English
In February 2013, Tina came to Siem Reap for a second time. After the fist visit in November of 2012 Tina wanted to return with her son Lewis to show him some of the work being done by FWEC and to visit some of the families to whom she had donated wells. Tina and Lewis had the opportunity to travel to the countryside of Cambodia and see first hand the process of drilling a well. While traveling around Tina took the opportunity to donate clothing and school supplies to the children of the families as well as sponsor 2 girls in their effort to complete their education. One of the highlights for Tina was to be able to spend some time at the SRET village Secondary School and teach English to a very enthusiastic class of students. FWEC works in collaboration with the school to bring in volunteer teachers to augment the existing program. It is of great benefit to the students to work with native English speakers.
Video Clip of Tina's Evaluation Mission to FWEC
Video Clip of Tina Teaching English
December 2012
Evaluation Mission & Volunteering
Ms. Maria Hicks
In late November, 2012 Maria came to Siem Reap-Angkor to run in the Angkor Wat half marathon and to conduct an evaluation of FWEC. During her stay Chantrea brought Maria to see the wells and meet the families that her donations had helped.
Maria had a good opportunity to learn about the living conditions of Cambodian people in the rural areas of Siem Reap. She also enjoyed the chance to be a volunteer and participate in teaching English to students in Cambodia local school that FWEC is involved with. Maria is a great humanitarian in her willingness to support the efforts of FWEC to help these people in need. Additionally she is motivating some of the girls to stay in school by providing funding for the extra lessons needed for them to pass the final graduation exam.
Thank you so much to Maria for her help and visit with the poor people of Siem Reap.
Video Clip of Maria Teaching English
Ms. Maria Hicks' Evaluation December 2012
Maria shares her observations about the differences and progress seen between her vistit in 2011 and her current visit in 2012
In 2011 after a brief tour with Chantrea with emphasis on rural lifestyle, my first impressions included the following:
Lack of fresh water in rural areas even though there had been heavy rainfall in the region. Benefits of well water demonstrated. Extreme poverty evident in the countryside. CWEP funding was focused on donations from tourists and their friends. At this time the education component included bicycles, some donated stationery supplies and the computer program sponsored by Labdoo Organization...
November 2012
Evaluation Mission to FWEC
Ms. Graciela Andrade
In November, 2012 , Graciela and her friends came to Siem Reap-Angkor, for her third evaluation mission to FWEC. She had a great time visiting the beneficiaries that she and her friends have helped.Video of her mission to school in rural area near Siem Reap. (Link Pending)
December 2011
Evaluation Mission to CWEP
Ms. Maria Hicks
In December, 2011, Mrs. Maria Hicks met Chantrea for the first time when she hired him to be her tour guide. In addition to the cultural tour of the region's temples he took her to visit the some of the sites of CWEP projects. Maria had the opportunity to learn about the efforts of CWEP and the everyday life of Cambodian people living in the rural areas. At the project sites Maria learned a lot about how the poor people of Cambodia get water to drink. Chantrea showed her the wells which were installed as a result of the CWEP fundraising efforts as well as families that were in need. Maria saw first hand the pit wells that families dug in the ground to use as a water source. These pit wells were about 2 meters deep and contained water that was muddy and contaminated. She also learned how CWEP works to help.
As a result of her trip to the CWEP project sites, Maria developed a better understanding about the livelihood and struggles of the poor people of Cambodia. The day before she returned to Australia, Maria donated the funds for 2 wells to help some of the families of Siem Reap. The wells were completed two weeks later and she continues to support the efforts of CWEP through personal donations as well organizing fund raising events in Australia.
July 2011
Evaluation Mission to CWEP
Ms. Graciela Andrade's
In July, 2011, Mrs. Graciela Andrade-Cianfrini, a Project Supportor and the fundraiser from Rome, Italy, came to Cambodia for a second time for an Evaluation Mission of the CWEP Project. She was taken by Chantrea on a tour to visit the residential sites of wells and shown the wells that had been donated. She was also invited to enjoy lunch together with the family as well.
Graciela performed her own emotional and her commiseration to those families who are living in the poor condition, while she experience the real lives of those familes through her eyes. Mrs. Graciela, is an enthusiastic person and a true humanitarian in surviving the poor to be better life. She is not only a project supporter and the fund raiser, but she has contributed the funds for two clean water pump wells and bicycles for transfer the children go to school, the vitamin milk for the baby who less vitamin from his mother when he was in the pregnant even if after the birth. I am really appreciate to her hard work and we are working together on this project smoothly. After her return back home, she has got more donations to support the CWEP Project from her colleagues and friends. Some of her friends contributed the funds for the clean water pump well on the special occassion of the Christmas Day and New Year Eve, and some provided the wells for dedicated to her late husband Mr. Massimo CIANFRINI, under the name of "Donated by the friends of Massimo".
This is a great work of Mrs. Graciela as a true humanitarian who always concerning about the health of the poor people in the rural communities who are disable. Thank you very much to Mrs. Graciela on your hard work in dissemination the information of the CWEP Project among your friends and colleagues to find more donations to support our CWEP Project to help the poor poeple who have no clean water to drink. As the water is the most essential element and the most needed by the human being that nobody can live without water. Mrs. Graciela do the right way on this Project to surviving them with the clean water pump well for the clean drinking, bathing, feeding the family crops etc. The excellence work all you have done and being done, please GOD in new year may bring you with the best wishes. Please the good Karma of yours bring to meet Massimo at the heaven on your regard...