FWE Cambodia
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General / Ad Hoc Projects


As FWEC works in an area, occasionally the opportunity to do a small project that has a direct benefit to those we are trying to help presents itself. The projects listed here are such that once completed FWEC has no further involvement. It is always the goal of FWEC to use local materials and labor whenever possible. Most projects are arranged through the Chief of the Village contacting us an notifying FWEC of a particular need. FWEC's involvement is primarily seeking the funding for the project materials. FWEC realizes that different projects will strike a cord with different people. Take a look at the projects and see if there is one you would like to participate in. Each project will either be under assessment, under development / design or actively seeking funding. 


In 2011 the region had exceptionaly high flood levels. In an effort to better drain the area around _____ Village, the government cut the road in 2 places. There are no plans for them to return and repair the road. As a result, during subsequent seasonal flood